Thursday, March 27, 2014

Montessori Preschool Spring Theme

I've been a little quiet, I know.  We've actually been doing school, we've just been very busy and I've had to choose between school planning and school blogging.  Obviously, you can see what I chose :).  

Over that time we did a colors theme and a construction theme.  Maybe at some point I will get a chance to blog about them, but I am not going to try and catch up right now.

Our theme this week guessed it-SPRING.  I'm creative like that.  It doesn't completely look like spring outside, but the calendar says that's what it is, so we will go with it.  

Books about Spring

There are tons of great spring themed books.  I chose spring is Here from our local library (link below).  It is really cute!  Planting a Rainbow is one that we own, so it was an easy choice.  

Spring themed activities

After we read Planting a Rainbow, we checked out some seeds.  

Explorer used them to build towers.  

My mom found us these cool butterfly picks years ago and we finally got to use them!  

Roll and graph flowers free from 3 Dinosaurs.  Mini Cooper LOVES graphing right now.  

We looked at sunflowers and discussed their parts.  *Please excuse sideways photo!!  I have photo editing software, it has been edited, but for some reason once uploaded is at an angle :(. *   These are a freebie from Just Montessori.

The girls each ordered the life cycle of a sunflower.  This is a freebie from Making Learning Fun.

I pulled out our homemade playdough and some wooden spring flowers and butterflies that I have. I also have a fence.  The girls spent about an hour or so on more then one day creating their spring creations. 

Learning Toys with a Spring Theme

I picked up this Lauri Horses and Ponies pack at a thrift store for $1.00.  It has been a HUGE hit.  Everyone wants to play with it.  Well worth my $1.00.

I also FINALLY purchased this Guidecraft flower match game.  Used my Zulily credits and only paid 94 cents (including shipping).  Let me tell you, I love this game!!  The girls do, too. 

We also dressed the bear.  But first, Explorer chose to sort all the pieces. (I guess this isn't necessarily spring).

Practical Life

I put out a new hair brushing station this week.  Yes, most people would just use their bathrooms, but our house doesn't have low mirrors in the bathroom (I need to work on that!).  Mini Cooper spent a TON of time here.  She even went and got the entire hair bow basket and tried on all the bows.  She is used to me doing her hair, but maybe it's time to start letting her do it.  She really enjoyed this.  Explorer, on the other hand, wasn't interested at all.  

And, that's the stuff I caught on camera.  Next week we will be learning a bit about the human body.  I hope I can stay on track and share it with you.  

Have a great week and God Bless,

Montessori Monday Tot School Photobucket
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  1. Sounds like a great week! I love the thrift store find that turned out to be such a big hit! The props with the playdough were great...I'll have to remember that one!

  2. It looks like a great week! Love those horses and ponies! What are the clear cases that you could examine the seeds? They look terrific!

  3. Oh I love all your activities! Great! That flower game looks like fun, and I have to print some flower cards and show them to Mr Frog as well :)

  4. Love your spring ideas, we will be doing flowers I. A week or 2 we are working on a baby animal spring theme right now.

  5. @Krystal-The little boxes are actually craft boxes that I picked up at Hobby Lobby a couple years ago. I would think they still have them, but not 100% sure. They come in lots of sizes, this was the smallest one.

  6. Looks like a fun, springy week. Love that Flower Match Game, my girls would have a blast. I need to stop by some of these places you link to and grab up some of these prinables for Montessori. I miss doing Montessori activities with the children.
    Just to let you know, your post was featured again this week.
    Hope to see you this week. (Sorry it took me so long to comment. Not sure why I didn't on Tuesday)
    Have a great weekend.


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