Saturday, March 29, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up Week 13 {2014}

Like I mentioned in my little girl's post, I'm a bit behind on my wrap ups.  I may never catch up, so I'll just move forward like it never happened (except the part where I skip from week 10 to week 13).  I figure I could go into all the reasons I got behind, but I think I'll just stick with the part where I'm 30 weeks prego and am homeschooling 4 kids.  That seems good enough for me ;).

I also appears that I have all of four photos to show you from this week.  But, hey, that is 400% better then the zero I had a few weeks ago, so at least we have improvement, right? Right.

So let's see...


Our biggest activity this week was learning about Abraham Lincoln.  We've been reading a little page about each president and we finally made it to Lincoln.  I decided that we should spend more then 5 minutes learning about him, so I checked out Abraham Lincoln by Ingri and Edgar Parin d'Aulaire. 

Really, I just chose it because it had cute pictures, but it turned out to be a gem {maybe if I had noticed the part that it was a Caldecott award winner before we read it I would have been clued in}!  Man, am I glad we got to read it!!  It's super awesome and the kids loved it!! Of course, it totally avoids parts like... Mary Todd Lincoln was a bit nuts...and....Abraham Lincoln got shot....but overall, it had a ton of fun info.  

We will probably read another Lincoln book this week that fills in the (kinda important and memorable) gaps.  I highly recommend this one, though!  


We're still using our Space calendar cards and the kids begged me to bring out the planets model that we have.  I can't blame them, it's really cool.

The lights were actually off when I took this (cause the sun lights up).  I can't believe how bright my flash is!

We also watched Bill Nye's The Planets {Yes, I'm a Creationist, but this is what our library had.  Thankfully, he just talked about the current properties of the planets-which is what I was hoping for}.


I introduced triple addends with the beads.  I love how simple Montessori Math is to explain, understand, and work through!  

We also started the multiplication layouts, but no photo. Actually, we don't technically have enough beads to do the entire layout at once.  I'm hoping it won't scar the kids forever.  I've now got more beads on my want list!

Both Mustang and Charger have finished the basic addition strip board and charts.  Mustang knows her addition facts well, and Charger is working on memorizing them.  We've been working on IXL to solidify their memorization (instead of flash cards and games).  They are doing well and love it.  (We received our subscription free last fall for doing a review).

Language Arts/Reading

Charger has been asking to work on his Primary Arts of Language (PAL) a lot lately.  Though, I guess in this particular photo it looks like he is interested in the glue.  He is solidly reading now, though still needs help with bigger words.  

I'm always amazed when I realize that I {by the grace of God} taught 2 kids how to read.  It really does help with confidence to believe that this homeschooling thing really is working out!

Everything Else

I signed both Mustang and Charger up for baseball and softball.  For the month of June they will each have 2 ball games a week, and I'll have a new baby.  Should be interesting, but it's actually local (which is rare) and Mustang has been begging to get out of the house and make new friends.  Hope she likes it!

Charger is one verse away from finishing his AWANA book and Mustang just has a couple more.  I was actually concerned they wouldn't finish since we missed a ton last fall when I was sick and then this winter with all the snow.  So, I'm really excited that they are going to finish!

I've also finally started getting ready for the new baby.  Hard to believe that if she were to come as early as Charger did (I hope not!) she could be here in just 5 weeks.  Eeek!  At least with the 5th child you know you don't need much :).

I hope your week has gone well!!  We are planning to start our human body unit next week.  It will be our LAST unit before our 2 month baby break, so I'm just amazed it is coming so soon!

Have a great weekend and God Bless!


Montessori Monday

Things we used this week (amazon affiliate links in this widget).


  1. What a fun week! My kids love the Lincoln book and would like the solar system model, too.

  2. It sounds like it was a good week and even 1 photo is better than none *wink* (I usually have none lol)
    Did you make those bead counters yourself? Those are really neat.

    It's been so long since I've stopped by that your kids are hardly recognizable! Well, other than they look like you and are just all *bigger* lol.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and always having kind comments about Grace's artwork. The Abraham Lincoln book is a good one. The authors wrote books about many other historical figures you might want to look into checking out. They are one of my favorite children's author.

  4. woohoo on getting the post caught up. The kiddos are doing great on their books! I am hoping Sammy will be able to finish. It is possible but just barely! He has done well so far :-)

    The model of the planets is cool!

  5. I enjoyed reading about your week :) We really like the D'Aulaire books. There are a few more that you might want to check out if you liked that one.


Thanks so much for leaving your thoughts!