Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Trying the CVS Game {Again}

About a year an a half ago, I really got into the couponing/CVS game. I would wake up every Sunday morning to be the first one in the door at 6 am, after I had stayed awake till about 1 am clipping coupons and figuring out my plan. I came home with a ton of stuff, some of which we still have. Eventually, though, I got a bit tired of it and stopped cold turkey.

I had a pretty large stock of things we used every day {I just opened the last of my toothpaste, and still have a ton of razors} and a large stash of stuff I would never use. We realized we were moving, and I didnt want to accumulate anything extra. I sold the stuff we wouldnt use and narrowed down the stuff we would use to things I thought we would use in a year.

Finally, we are settled and I would like to start again. I have many more challenges this time, though. 1-we go to church on Saturdays and we dont get the Sunday paper, so its hard to get coupons, 2-there is only one CVS in the area {as apposed to the 3 that had previously been just minutes from my house, 3-I am not going to be able to make a special trip to town just to do my CVSing, 4-I have all 3 kids in tow, and 5-not much storage room.

So I have decided to cut coupons from only the internet, and make CVS a stop on my weekly trip to town. If they have the products that I want, great, if not I will get a raincheck. I wont be able to get the loads of things I used to get I am sure, but every little bit really does help.

And after that rather lengthy intro {sorry about that!}, I'd like to share my few weekly deals.

~Dove Conditioner {which was already on my list of things to buy-score} 4.49 {earned 4.49 in ECB}
~2 rolls of CVS brand TP 2/1, used my 1.00 off a CVS paper product that printed from the Extra Care Card machine making them FREE {who cant use free tp??}

And I hit the clearance rack :)

~4 square bowls with apple print on the sides {this week is A for Apple} 25 cents each!
~Package of bendy straws, which you will also see in the school post soon, 25 cents
~Package of butterfly sequins that have little holes in them, which I think will be perfect for a beading exercize, 25 cents
~Package of 25 spools of thread, I am thinking of taking the thread off to let Mini Cooper play with the spools, 25 cents
~Package of foam lizards and frogs, yep school, 25 cents
~and a package of Easter Jelly Beans {not pictured because I had already eaten them}, 49 cents

I paid a total of 6.98 before tax. I also have 4.49 in ECB, which some would say is a net of 2.49 for everything in the picture. Not too bad for my first time back.

I love to checkout the deals for the week at Money Saving Mom and this week I found out about the free toilet paper from Thanks you both!



Thank you so much for the comment and for visiting my blog! I hope you keep coming back! I will follow yours now too!1

Ticia said...

Wow, you did great! I've been hesitant to try that because I know it would take over my life, and then like you said 3 kids in the store..... Not fun.
I was going to say, don't use the thread in your machine, because it'll just thread, but since you're planning on using it just for the spools (as long as you don't start the thread, he probably won't be able to get it off, and then they'll be different colors).