Our guide for our Bible lessons this quarter is "The Beginner's Bible" which I highly recommend. We read 'The Beginning' this week. Our memory verse was Genesis 1:1-which Mustang is getting very good at. Our song for the week was Happy All the Time {no paticular reason I just love it}.

After we read the story in our Bible, I pulled out our new Creation Nesting Globes to retell the story. The kids really liked these! They are very hard to put back together, but they were fun and held everyone's attention.

To wrap up our Creation studies, we made our first page in our activity Bible. I got this idea from EarlyLearningAtHome.com {I will warn you now that you will likely spend HOURS exploring her site, its awesome}. I typed our memory verse on a piece of card stock and using a brad, we attached the earths that we made in our prior lessons to the page. I really love how this turned out and I cant wait to make the up coming pages in our 'Bible.'

This is Mustang's page. Didnt she do a great job? If you are wondering about the graphics, I just Googled until I found things I liked for our project. And that's it! Next lesson we will be moving on to Adam naming the animals and the creation of Eve.

This post is linked up {er will be tomorrow} at Carisa's Rasing Rock Stars linky on 1+1+1=1. For more Bible lesson ideas, check out her site. God Bless!!
I LOVE the creation nesting globes! I have never seen anything like them! The first page in your book is great! I love that idea of having all the days of creation on the globes like that! Fun ideas! I'm sure your kids learned bunches!
it came out so good and cute :)
smartboard= a wii controller, a projector, and a whiteboard - I am going to write a post (tutorial) with more detailed information
have a blessed day
I just love that layered world thing on the first page of the activity bible. :)
I am your newest follower :) oh and here's a link to the smartboard tutorial I made: http://fuentesy.blogspot.com/2010/08/wii-smart-board-tutorial.html
Great job! Love the way this turned out! When we start school in September we will be starting our bible study and I will certainly be coming back and looking at your creation study!
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