A huge thank you to JDaniel4's Mom who gave me this fun award! For this award I am to list 10 things that make me happy. So here they are {in no particular order}:
1. The sunshine streaming in my windows after weeks of cloudy days.
2. Mustang trying to help Mini Cooper learn to 'walk.'
3. The new words I hear each day as Charger grows.
4. A phone call from my mom.
5. Watching Charger and his grandpa hang out together.
6. Finding a great deal.
7. Mini Cooper's smile.
8. A clean house.
9. Quality time with my hubby.
10. The Hope I have in my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
By winning this award, I get to award it to 10 other great bloggers (my favorite part!). Again, I am going to do this a bit backwards. To 'accept this award' one is to list what makes them happy. Well, as part of the Home School Blog Hop I have met a number of ladies who already told me what made them happy, so no list required. The only acceptance 'rule' is to know that someone loves your blog :) You can pass it on to anyone you want to get to know better. I also know that a couple of you have already won this award. I still wanted to let you know that I love your blog!
And my winners are...
Our Worldwide Classroom
Our Cup of Tea
Mom Teaches 2
Children Grow, Children Explore, Children Learn
Adventures in Mommydom
Tots and Me
Homegrown Families
Little Fingers that Play
Adventures in Tot School
Fun with Little Mouse
Congrats, and thank you for making me happy when I read your blogs! God Bless!!
Thank you! This is so sweet of you!
I really enjoy these award posts as they usually involve the author sharing some information about themselves and it is always interesting getting to know the person behind the blog a little better. Also, links to blogs are usually posted and this means I get to discover new blogs - fun, fun, fun.
My list of what makes me happy would be very similar to yours. We've had buckets of rain for over a week now (very unusual for us) so I can't wait to see the blue sky and feel the warmth of the sun again.
I hope yopu are feeling better now.
Awww...... Thank you! I'm with you, I love posts like these.
And sunshiney days after days of clouds are so nice!
Thank you! I feel so honoured that you thought of me!
You are so sweet to share this award with me! Thank you so much:)
Thank you so much for thinking of me! It's always nice to know that my blog is liked. :) I enjoy yours as well!
Finally getting here. Thanks so much for the award!!! I probably won't get around to passing this on until over the Easter break, but just wanted to say thanks. :)
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