I've been participating {mostly just reading} in the Not Back to School Blog Hop at Heart of the Matter Online. After reading a few of the 'Day in the Life' posts, I finally feel inspired to write my own.
Initially, I felt a little embarrassed that we dont wake at 6 am, follow up with an hour of prayers, an hour of exercise, feed the chickens, make breakfast from scratch, put on freshly pressed homemade coordinating clothing and sit down in our spotless classroom for our first subject by 8 am. Now I realize, that is completely impossible since there was absolutely no time left for feeding the chickens or people...but seriously our schedule looks NOTHING like the one above. And, honestly, I kinda think that's a homeschool stereotype. I dont want to live up to it, I have no intentions of living up to it, but if others want to think I live up to it, then I dont want to write an entire post saying differently-know what I mean?
But, really, my point for blogging is to encourage others. And, if you think the about is a Day in my Life, then I'd be surprised if I would encourage you.
So here's the real deal:
9ish am: Roll out of bed. Mustang is often up earlier then this, but she is allowed to watch TV till we wake up. Sometimes the hubby gets up before this. I usually get up with Charger or Mini Cooper or both-which ever gets up first.
And then:
Wake up time lol. Greet others, sit on the couch or outside on the lawn trying to fully wake up. Take shower, get dressed, get kids dressed,feed them breakfast, spend time on computer, chat with hubby etc etc.
Once everyone is dressed we usually hang out a little, let the kids play, start a load of laundry, little more computer time, etc.
Then it's clean up time. This varies on time depending on how dirty things are and how agreeable kids are being.
Then we take a break lol. If its lunch time we eat lunch.
After lunch, we have Bible time. 10 minutes on the couch or on your bed with a Bible-no matter your age. Even Mini Cooper has a few prayer books we give her {she doesnt sit still but we try}.
Then a last ditch pick up any toys that have found their way to the school room floor and start school!
School order is:
-Prayers, Pledge, Calendar time
-Circle time which consists of memory verses, songs, rhymes, & story books
-Bible Lesson
-Read aloud-the kids color while I read a chapter book
-Individual language lessons
-Group Science/Nature, Math and Art lessons
We spend about 2-3 hours total together doing school, sometimes less. We dont always get everything done, but we do what works.
after school:
Free time-play, watch TV, Computer
Outdoor time
Free time
Bed is usually around 10:30 for the kids. Notice there are no naps??? Mini Cooper takes naps through this, but my other two have never been willing to nap. I hope that Mini Cooper doesnt change, but I figure she will. Also, my husband is a farmer. The last month or so has been his down time so he is usually here in the mornings and evenings. This has a lot to do with all our free time slots, as we spend them hanging out with Daddy. Once harvest starts, he will be gone from dawn till dusk so we will likely have school a bit earlier.
And that's our peek. If you would like to know how other families run their ship check out the blog hop at Heart of the Matter. Thanks for stopping by & God bless!
I don't get up early either. I'm usually up about 8, and not responding to anyone for about an hour after that.
Love this post! Love how honest and down to Earth it is! I def. feel encouraged to know I am not the only one jumping out of bed at the crack of dawn! Since its past midnight here.. ahem.. I am sure I wont be when Sammy gets up at 7 either!
I think your schedule is just fine!! And geared for you and your family, that's what works best. We certainly don't follow that schedule either, although we do start between 8-8:30. Of course, I have a seventh grader so he needs to get a little more accomplished and that is our need for starting earlier.
have a wonderful day!
We aren't morning people either...I've looked through a few of these and have felt guilty because I don't get up at 5:30 =)
Thanks for sharing your day!
I love it. Just what works for you. So it's the best way. :)
Sounds like a great day! Happy Homeschooling!
We're not early risers either. Well, my kids have gotten to be early risers, but not me. So, they go about their business for a little while before I get up.
Whatever works best for your family is what matters!
Your schedule sounds a lot like ours! We get up "late" too.
It is always fun to get a glimpse into other families routines and schedules. We are all very different.
I can totally relate to your schedule!
I enjoyed reading your schedule- thanks for sharing! I am now following your blog and look forward to reading more.
Yay! Someone else who doesn't start their day at the crack of dawn!
My hubby works until near midnight or after, depending on his workload, so we all go to bed late (the almost-7-yo goes to bed at 11:00) & roll out of bed between 9a & 10a.
oh, yeah... my kids all gave up naps at 18 months!
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