I've been up to my ears in stuff getting ready for my own yard sale this weekend (yes you read that right-insert giddy laugh), so I'm a little late with this post. That, and the fact that I havent had a chance to photograph my stealth purchase for the week, but I give up that's not going to happen lol!
Overall, I give this week a 5 out of 10 for deals. I got some good stuff and reasonable prices, but nothing amazing. But, the kids were pretty good and the weather was just bearable, so overall a good week. Except the part where I drove 30 miles to town only to realize that I had left all my money-for yard sales and groceries, at HOME. Ug. So we lost about an hour of good yard sailing time, not to mention gas money.
My of favorite yard sales of the year was at a former teacher's house. She had a sale last year when she was quitting to stay home with her own children. The add this year didnt say anything about school stuff, so I was very excited to see that she had some school stuff to sell!
The first thing I found was this box that said '75 cents for all.' I couldnt tell EXACTLY what was all in it, but it looked good, so I got it. When I got home I found a bunch of junk lol, but I also found 6 complete learning centers that were already cut out and laminated. The book in the middle has the worksheets that go along with the centers.
Also in the box was a huge pile of file folders-brand new. I didnt count them, but there are at least 12 there (I got my money back on the box right there!). And some premade and laminated blank board games that I know will come in handy!
Next I found 14 white bins. When I saw them I knew EXACTLY what they were for. A few of them still had remnants of the labels this lady had on them when she used them for her books. I said there were no 'wow' purchases this week. I think I lied. I have already brought them home and organized my whole book stash. So they were cheap AND motivating. Maybe more of a wow then I thought. And YES there will soon be a book organization post ;). They were 25 cents each.
Turns out, it was the weekend for teachers to have sales, because at another sale I found a ton of teacher help books. Three of these (on the left) were from the first teacher sale and cost 2.00 total. The others were at the second sale and cost 10 CENTS each!!!
More school type finds. Scrabble Deluxe game (I wanted the red tiles to use with our brown ones). Of course, after I brought this home I found out it sells for about 20.00 on eBay. Not sure if its worth quite that much for me to keep it. We will see! $2.00 for the set. Two packages of Lauri spelling puzzles-50 cents for the opened set and 1.00 for the new in package set! Brain benders-probably going in stockings, new, 50 cents. Little bowling balls and pins. There are 10 pins and I think this will make a fun counting and subtraction game, 50 cents. A pencil case to make a busy bag, and a small chalkboard with princess chalk to put in the first bag-75 cents for all three.
This was a fun find. The blue book in the middle is 'The Complete Treasure of Winnie the Pooh,' $2.00. Later at another sale I found the board books. I thought it would great to give the little ones a board book to look at while I read the big book to all the kids at once. The board books were 2.00 total.
And what's a yard sale post from me without some clothes? I tried to stick to my list at least :). Mini Cooper actually needs a few nice church sets for winter, and I found a couple, plus a few other cute things. The Birthday Girl top made me happy! $11.25 for everything in the two pictures.
I thought this was a fun purchase. It wasnt a 'deal' really, but it was still cute. Hopefully Mini Cooper can wear it for Halloween. I need to think about this early since we will have a new baby and someone else will probably be taking them trick or treating this year! 4.00 for the costume and shoes (which are too small, but we have some ruby slippers that will fit).
For Mustang-3 pairs of pjs, 2 Ralph Lauren shirt dresses (what do you call those!), Halloween pillowcase dress, and a super cute brown and pink boutique set. Funny story about that set. Last year I went to this sale that will probably forever be my favorite. The lady had AMAZING brands and was GIVING THEM AWAY. Seriously, I bought Mustang Hanna Andersson, Flapdoodles, Gymboree, Mish Mish, and even DEUX PAR DEUX sets for-get this-3.00 a piece!! Just one Deux Par Deux runs about 60.00 new. My only disappointment is that we were flat broke that week and the most I could pull together was 40.00. Okay back to the outfit. This particular outfit was at that awesome sale. I had it in my hand and ended up putting it back in favor of another and was always so disappointed that I had. Apparently this mom had bought the outfit at that other sale for 3.00 and sold it to me this year for 1.00. Good things come to those who wait, I guess! $6.50 for everything.
A few things for Baby Explorer. There wasnt much baby stuff out this week! Old Navy coat-LOVE, Gymboree sweater, and a Carter's sweater, $3.00.
A few odds and ends. Paper wall organizers (I had just said how I needed these!), 25 cents. Package of baby hangers-I can never have too many, 25 cents. Baseball-we had a glove and bat and were just waiting for a ball! 50 cents. A set of Bible ABC flash cards, 25 cents. And, the lone shirt for Charger, 50 cents.
This is Mustangs 'big find' of the day. And when I say big, obviously I mean by size lol. She has been telling me how she really wants a restaurant and cars for her Polly Pockets. Well she found that and then some! The mall has a restaurant and the set came with not one but 2 cars. It actually came with more little pieces, but Mustang had already mixed them in with her other sets and couldnt figure out which ones went with it. I wanted so bad to make this a sneaky purchase and get it for her birthday but it just didnt work. Note to self, you can sneak things by a 1 year old and a 3 year old, but not a 5 year old. The whole set was 5.00!
Thankfully, I was able to get at least one sneaky purchase. I found this Little People Amusement park. And, though there were some tears involved, I was able to pull Mini Cooper away from the set and make her think we weren't getting it. This picture is from Amazon, I havent had a change to sneak it out for a picture. I believe all the pieces were there. $2.00 for the set. I'm going to need a big box for her birthday gift :).
Total was about $54.00. It seems I missed a few toys and a pair of shoes when taking pictures. Not a bad total.
I'm not sure if I'll get to find some treasures or not this weekend, but I'm participating in a friend's neighborhood sale of 15 families, so I expect to find something!! Either way, I'll be sure to report on our sale. Hope you get out and find some (or come buy them at my sale if you are close!!) deals this weekend!
I'm linked up at My Life On a Taffy Pull. A great weekly linky if you enjoy reading other's deals!!
God Bless!
5 out of 10 huh? I would say higher than that! Those bins for the books are a fantastic find. I've been wanting to find something like that to organize books in for a long time and keep holding out for 'the deal'.....whatever it may be. lol
Honestly, teacher books for .10 a piece?!? Can't beat that! It is really fun that you found all the Winnie the Pooh books. I have it to read to my kids too. I'm really excited about starting it.
If you have time take pics of your sale all set up. I didn't and wished I had. It was a lot of work and a huge accomplishment to have it all set out just the way I wanted it....I was a little sad that it wasn't documented. lol
I would totally come to your sale if I could! You have fun at your sale and may God bless it!
I can't wait to go garage saling this week! I'm counting down the days!
I still think you can be sneaky with a 5 year old...you just have to be quicker than her, seeing it FIRST! :o) Good job on the other sneaky find though! Love the book baskets too!
Hi! I'm here from the Crew. Love all the great ideas on your blog. I'm following! :)
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