This week it was H-O-T!!!!! It was also a holiday weekend and there was the storm earlier in the week. This added up to not very many sales. But, we still found a few good treasures-and I used some of Mrs. Taffy's suggestions and managed to sneak a few purchases! Yay!!!
I never know what items to list first on here, so lets start with some books and school stuff (since this is a homeschooling blog lol). Discovery Toys puzzles, 1.00, Melissa and Doug farm peg puzzle (I havent seen this one before!) 50 cents, and a bunch of books for 1.25. You may notice that there are 3 books (including the one with the blank cover) about doctors? I love it when God leads me to inexpensive learning supplies for our very next unit!!
For Miss Explorer-a new to us bouncer seat. We have had a bouncer seat for 3 babies, that came used to begin with and was loaned out at least once. Needless to say it was DONE. So we upgraded to a 'new' one. $5.00.
Sweet baby clothes for Miss Explorer-lots of Carter's, Old Navy, Gap and TCP. I love baby clothes. I'm so glad I let go of Mini Coopers last year so I could buy more this year :). 4 2 piece sets, 5 tops/onesies, a pair of jeans, a sleeper, and a baby bunting $7.75, total. The bunting was a fun find. I had the exact same one for Mini Cooper and it was one of the few things I wished I had kept. Just 50 cents replaced it :).
For Mini Cooper-4 everyday dresses(one Gap)and a brand new top, $2.25 total.
I hit ANOTHER quarter sale with boys clothes (sets were a quarter total!). I'm starting to realize that this would not be a good town to make money having a yard sale! This all came from that sale except one top that was 50 cents at a different sale-$3.00 total.
Just a couple things for Mustang-the sales just didnt have much for her this week. She 'needed' a 4th of July top for tomorrow, so I was happy to find one! $2.00.
Mustang is getting better at finding her own treasures. She found these two items this week. One is a vintage Fisher Price Card Flipper with all 4 card sets. I had to look an old toy site to even know what it was called. And, she found a vintage Little Mermaid hand held game. She doesnt seem to even notice that it isnt the same quality graphics as her Leapster-she calls it her second Leapster lol. 75 cents for both.
And here's when I put Mrs. Taffy's suggestions to work. My STEALTH purchases for the week he he. I didnt have a tote to put them in, well I did, but it was see through so not much help. But I DID have a large black trash bag that did just as well. I'm so glad that I read her tips, I was getting annoyed at bringing home tons of new things each week knowing that I was cluttering up the house quickly and STILL had to buy birthday and Christmas presents-which will cost more money and space. YES I am sure I'll still have to buy some things, but if I can cut down on them it would be really great!
Mini Cooper is really into Little People right now, and I seem to keep coming across them at sales. I hope to buy as many secretly as possible and give her one big box for her birthday, or even split them up for Christmas if I find enough. This is the Sight and Sounds Train set $3.00.
And ferris wheel for 50 cents. It is missing a small gate. The sale had 2-one with a gate for 3.00, one without for 50 cents. I took this one :).
2 sets of little princesses (nothing too major I know). I'm thinking stocking stuffers. 50 cents.
Three Thomas books for a gift for Charger. They are actually 2 books in one, flip them over for another story. 75 cents.
Microscope Lab Max and 12 prepared slides. The microscope had been opened but never used, and the slides were never opened. 10.00 for the set. I thought this might be a little high, but it appears to run about 45.00 or more for both on Amazon, so not too bad. This was at a sale where nothing was priced. When you asked the price she continued to then talk you into buying the item. I was annoyed, but I'm happy to have the microscope. I will likely save this for Mustang's present, she was asking for a microscope just this week.
And last but not least my deal of the day. I wasnt able to buy this one undercover, but the kids like to have at least one new thing to play with so that's okay. The kids found this at a sale and asked if we could buy it. I loved all the little animals in it, but we already have a vintage Fisher Price barn, so I didnt think we needed another. Right before we left the sale I asked what they wanted for it-it wasnt priced. 25 cents. I said, okay 25 cents for each piece? No 25 cents-for ALL OF IT!!!! I couldnt believe my ears. We snatched it up super duper fast!! It has been spread all over my living room for the last 2 days-best buy we've found in a long time!
There was about 1.75 worth of odds and ends that I didnt post, so add that together, and my total this week was 40.25. Not bad at all! More money for my grocery spending-which was great because there was a great sale on meat this week!
Did you brave the heat and go to any sales this week, or maybe stop by the thrift store? I'd love to read about your deals! Link up with me at My Life on a Taffy Pull's weekly linky. Cause sharing a deal is half the fun of getting it!
Have a FANTASTIC 4th of July!!! God Bless!!
I love reading these posts! I'm going to have to link up and start doing it too! :)
It has just been miserably hot here this weekend, too. And unfortunately we've been outside for most of it! I'm hoping the rain cools us down a little before our church cookout and fireworks tomorrow! Hope you have a happy 4th!! :o)
Our star-shaped ice cube trays came from the dollar store (Honks), if that helps.
Wow! Love the little people stuff! My daughter loves them! Great prices too! And gosh, I need you to find me some cheap clothes. I'm amazed what great deals you get. :) can't wait to stop in next week!
Oh My WORD! You are amazing! I'm so proud of you for being sneaking and getting some stuff stashed away for gifts! YAY! I totally feel "out of it" since I didn't go this week...I was looking for deals at Walmart--BORING! I don't love Walmart. Looking forward to next week!
Happy 4th Garage Sale Buddy!
Wow! You found some great items! I really need to get into garage sale shopping. Maybe I'll try it next weekend.
Stopping by from the Crew. New follower! :)
What a GREAT week! Glad you were able to go stealth and grab a few things for presents! :) I love finding presents at garage sales. I cannot believe that they sold that little people farm for .25! Crazies!! You always find really nice clothes. I'm slightly jealous. lol We're having a clothing drought here apparently. lol Great find on the bouncy seat too. It looks like it is in fabulous condition.
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