Well this week was a bit unusual. We got a very late start, and had a lot of errands to run in town. Plus, for whatever reason there were very few sales. I think there were about 15 total for us to choose from, but with the late start and the fact that we stayed at one for almost 45 minutes, we were only able to go to 4 sales. I STILL managed to set my record for the most money spent at one sale (minus the dishwasher sale, that doesnt really count). I also made 3 epic fails. That said, it was still one of my favorite weekends ever!
The first yard sale we went to was outside at a beautiful historic home. It is right next door to one of the local historical museums. I walked in and there is a guy setting out baby clothes. (Wish I could get my hubby to do that!) I quickly went over to the newborn stuff, which there was a lot of, but the hanging clothes caught my eye so I changed pace. The hanging clothes were a GREAT find.
The family had just had their third and final child, a boy. So, they were selling all their daughter's clothes and mom's maternity clothes. They had a lot of basic brands-mostly Target, but there was a solid amount of Gymboree and Gap!! As I have mentioned that we dont get a lot of those brands here. The best part was, there wasnt a difference in price between the brands! It was all in Excellent condition and priced to sell.
So, I just went through and started pulling all the Gap and Gymbo, most of which ended up being Mini Cooper's size. That's okay though because after Mini wears it, Explorer can wear it. Win win! But I'll start with the clothes for me :).
Being pregnant and all, maternity clothes are on the list. I could really use some new bottoms-since this is the first pregnancy I cant wear my small capris and pants *sign* and they are still on my list since I have only found one pair of large and, though they are a bit too big, I still wear them. No pants that would fit at this sale (she was a petite small) but still some adorable stuff!!
Two of the CUTEST sweaters, the purple one is a layered sweater with a fairly thin outer layer-perfect for September/October! Second is a three quarter-length corded sweater LOVE it!!, a very pretty top, and an amazing skirt-that I wore tonight. Did I mention that her baby was 6 weeks old?? She pulled them directly out of her closet to sell them. They still smelled clean!! $9.00 for all.
And a few basic shirts for 1.00 each, except the fun print one that has a hole-it was free. I can feel cute while cleaning the house :).
Then came my first of 3 mistakes for the night. This awesome Old Navy Maternity puffer coat-$5.00! I was so excited to find a cute and affordable maternity coat that I uh hum, forgot to TRY IT ON. Duh!! Yeah, reminder. I do NOT wear a small. Ug. I could put it on, but it was too small in the shoulders and short in the sleeves and hardly goes around my belly as it is. Bummer!!
So lets talk Gymboree clothes-that always makes me happy lol. These are all for Mini Cooper, and all Gymboree :). 2 dresses, a jumper, a 4pc set and a 2 pc set all for $9.50!!
These are all Gap :) A 3 piece outfit, a cute sweater dress, shorts set and pjs, $5.50 total!
Old Navy pjs & ADORABLE corduroy dress, swim suit, Bout' Chou dress and hat set-NEW, Carter's fall dress, and a Tea collection dress and top set, $6.50.
Dont worry, I DID find some things for Explorer. 2 Carter's tops, Gymboree dress, Mud Pie dress (which IS missing a flower that, ironically, I still have from an outfit that Mini Cooper had), two Carter's sleepers, Robeez shoes, Mooshu Trainers, and Converse pink high tops (LOVE), Total $6.50!!
They threw in all the socks I wanted. So, I picked out a ton of cute ones for Mini Cooper. Always buy socks at yard sales. They are WAAAY overpriced at stores! Free.
We got a couple more things at that sale, but I'll wait till the end of my post for those :). So on to the next sale, I found a nice shirt for the hubby, a pair of jeans for Mustang, and a super cute pair of bermuda shorts for her, too. $2.50 total. Oh wait, nope here was fail #2!!! The shirt is a Large, Chaps, super great print...just one small problem. Its a BOY's large. *Smacks hand to forehead* Hubby is refusing to wear it. Not sure why, ha ha ha!
This was my funny find of the day. I paid 3.00 for a crazy grab box lol. It had over 100 unit blocks of all shapes, sizes, and colors. That was a great deal and I knew it. But it ALSO included...a piece together dump truck, train, and airplane, a handful of Tiddly-Winks, tons of tiny alphabet blocks-though no full set, 2 Lincoln Logs, 17 Jenga pieces, pieces to 3 or more puzzles, 5 Duplo Legos, and a My First LeapPad cartridge. No partridge, but a few blocks have pictures of trees :). The tub it came in was worth the $3.00, so I knew it was a good buy no matter what we found.
Lately, I have asked the kids when we left the house if there was something THEY were looking for. Each week, Charger has said he is looking for a Scrambler (from Bob the Builder). I thought it was a far out idea! This week, however, he came walking up to me with-you guessed it-Scrambler!! I was amazed. And the cookie jar is fail #3!!! Learning Resources cookie jar and counting cookies-$2.00. Well, I was trying to buy it and HIDE another item at the same sale and got sidetracked. This lead to me not looking inside to make sure it had all the cookies. It didnt. Boo. I am now trying to purchase replacement cookies.
Now for the fun stuff!! Double sided easel with paint cups, and a tray on each side. I dont know the brand, I've looked all over it and online and cant find anything. Well made whatever it is $10.00. Mini Cooper thinks it makes a nice tunnel when not properly put together ha ha!
A Playhut Firetruck that I was *amazingly* able to sneak behind Charger's back. He will be receiving it for his birthday! $5.00.
And last, but certainly not least!!! A Pottery Barn Kids Daisy Garden Bed set for Mini Cooper. Set included 2 quilts-the main floral one and a basic green, 5 fitted sheets, the dust ruffle, and a night light. There was also an extra fitted sheet from Kmart and a really soft Carter's blanket in the bag. The set is about 5 years old, but is still for sale on the PBK website. It would cost over 170.00 for what bought. I paid-ready for this? $15.00 for the whole bag!!!!!! Yes I do believe this is one of my top 5 purchases ever. Now I cant wait to redo the girls room and move Mini Cooper in with Mustang!!!!
So, as always there are a few odds and ends missing-mostly kid quarter items. But the total: $85.00. I spent $70.00 at the one sale where I found the great girl's clothes, maternity clothes, easel, and bed set. I dug into my birthday money to cover my over budget spending, but I think it was worth it. Each item was a great deal.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my finds and learned something from my mistakes!! If you found some great treasures yard sailing or thrifting this week, come join us at Mrs. Taffy's weekly link up!!! If you didnt go, make sure you do next week. There are plenty of deals for you to find :).
God Bless!!!
Jackpot Week! Nice job! I had a fail this week too. It was only a .50 loss, but I was still dissapointed! I bought a pair of pj"s for Blue-Raspberry and when I got home realized they had a huge skull on the front. We don't do skulls no matter how many times the world tells us they are "cool!" lol
Love the PB set! Love the maternity clothes too!
Blessings for a great week!
You always find the cutest clothes! And I absolutely adore the bedding set! How precious!! It will look so cute in your girls room! (And Pottery Barn!! Yipeee! I love their stuff, but who can afford it retail?)
You did good....that header takes my breath away....gorgeous
You did an amazing job! I do LOVE a good garage sale! Wish I would get up early and go to more of them... Just think of all the money you saved- and everything looks gorgeous!! Yippeee! Lori
Stopping by from the Crew! Thanks for stopping by my blog!:)
Once again, you do awesome on the clothes! Come down to FL and yard sale for me please! :) Amazing on the last three items!!! Your little boy is going to LOVE that firetruck playhut. So cool! And wow on the bedding set! The ones I always find are in bad shape. Looks beautiful!
I have a question for you if you don't mind me asking. How much cash do you go out with each week? And how much do you budget for each week? I guess those are both the same questions. ;) I have a hard time knowing how much too pull out and not wanting to take out too much. But if I do see something awesome, I want to make sure I have the money. ??
I am up for a girls night with you and Mrs. Taffy anytime, anywhere! :) Garage saling would be so much fun together. I love going with friends. You found so many great things this week. We love our easel...your kids will have so much fun with it. I hope yours is magnetic. That is the only 'issue' I have with ours.
I thought of your new little one at a couple garage sales that I went to this week. There were a TON of cute little, little girl clothes out here this week. But it doesn't look like you need any help in the clothing dept. lol Such a great week for clothes for you. I love the sales that end up in your all time favorites. Weird I still remember some of my favorite sales.
LOVE the PB set. So adorable. I cannot believe how cheap they were selling it! I've seen just the quilts alone go for more than what you paid.
Score on the maternity clothes. It's always nice to feel pretty when you're great with child. :)
Whoa... this is a long comment. I like to talk too much. lol Have a great week!
Wow you really scored!! I would hope for a stash like this over the course of the entire summer!
Great deals!!
Tinker toys!! My husband just got his childhood collectable set from his mother and our kids have been dying to play with it, but of course daddy is not letting them even come close to it. LOL You got some great deals!
I found my daughter's bedding set at a yard sale, too. It was brand new because the owners had just bought a model home that came fully furnished. They didn't have a daughter, so they sold me the entire bedding set for $25 - that included the comforter, two shams, three decorative pillows, bedskirt and curtains. I was super thrilled. And so was Lex when she saw it!
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